

Adult and Geriatric Nurse Practitioner located in Stevensville, MT


About Telehealth

For appointments that don’t require a physical exam or in-office procedure, telehealth offers a safe and convenient alternative. Carson Gomez, AGPCNP, and the team at Mountainside Medical in Stevensville, Montana, utilize telehealth technology to conduct wellness visits and follow-up appointments. To get started with telehealth, call our office or request an appointment online today.

Telehealth Q&A

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth utilizes digital technology, such as computers and mobile devices, to provide healthcare services from the comfort of your own home. At Mountainside Medical, we offer telehealth services to ensure you receive high-quality care even when an in-office visit isn’t necessary or possible.

During a telehealth appointment, you will have a secure, face-to-face interaction with your provider through a HIPAA-compliant software platform. This allows our team to deliver ongoing care and support without requiring you to come into the office.

Benefits of Telehealth

Telehealth brings numerous advantages, making healthcare more accessible and convenient:

  • No Travel Required: Receive care without the need to commute, saving time and money.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Avoid taking time off work or arranging childcare for your appointment.
  • Reduced Risk: Minimize exposure to illnesses that may be present in waiting rooms.
  • Efficient Visits: Spend less time waiting and more time addressing your health concerns.

Telehealth is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or mobility issues, allowing you to access healthcare more easily.

When to Use Telehealth

While telehealth is a great option for many scenarios, some situations require an in-person visit. Mountainside Medical typically uses telehealth for:

  • Follow-up Appointments and Wellness Visits
  • Monitoring the Progress of Medical Treatments
  • Ordering Medications and Lab Tests
  • Reviewing Test Results
  • Guidance on Self-Administered Healthcare: This includes assistance with medication injections and other at-home care procedures.

How Telehealth Works

Mountainside Medical employs secure and advanced telehealth technology. The software is user-friendly and free to access, though the appointment itself will have a fee. You can connect via your computer or smartphone for a seamless experience.

To explore how telehealth can enhance your healthcare experience, call Mountainside Medical or book an appointment online today.